Home / Destination / Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Centre, Darjeeling: A Beacon of Hope for the Displaced
Tibetan Refugee Self Help Centre

Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Centre, Darjeeling: A Beacon of Hope for the Displaced

Tibetan refugees have faced unimaginable hardships since the Chinese occupation of their homeland in 1959. Forced to flee their homes, thousands of Tibetans made their way to India, where they were granted asylum by the Indian government. Among these refugees were many who settled in the northern hill town of Darjeeling, where they established the Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Centre. This organization, which has been operating for over 60 years, has played a crucial role in helping displaced Tibetans rebuild their lives and preserve their culture.

The Founding of the Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Centre

The Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Centre was established in 1959 by a group of Tibetan refugees who had fled their homeland following the Chinese occupation. These refugees were determined to create a space where they could support themselves and their families, as well as preserve their culture and traditions. With the help of the Indian government and local supporters, they were able to secure a plot of land in Darjeeling, where they established the centre.

The Mission of the Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Centre

The mission of the Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Centre is to provide support and assistance to displaced Tibetans in India. The centre offers a wide range of services, including vocational training, education, healthcare, and housing. By providing these services, the centre aims to help refugees become self-sufficient and to preserve their cultural heritage.

Programs Offered by the Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Centre

The Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Centre offers a variety of programs to help refugees rebuild their lives. Some of the most important programs include:

Vocational Training: The centre offers vocational training in a range of fields, including tailoring, carpentry, and weaving. By learning these skills, refugees are able to earn a living and support their families.
Education: The centre operates a school for refugee children, providing them with a high-quality education that emphasizes their Tibetan heritage and culture.
Healthcare: The centre provides medical care and support to refugees, including free medical check-ups, treatment, and hospitalization.
Housing: The centre provides housing for refugees who are unable to find affordable accommodation elsewhere.

Success Stories from the Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Centre

Over the years, the Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Centre has helped thousands of refugees rebuild their lives and achieve their dreams. Some of the most inspiring success stories include:

Tenzin, a young woman who was orphaned as a child and struggled to make ends meet. After receiving vocational training at the centre, she was able to start her own tailoring business and support herself and her family.
Lobsang, a former monk who was forced to flee Tibet following the Chinese occupation. After receiving education and training at the centre, he became a successful entrepreneur, running a successful handicrafts business that employs many other refugees.
Sonam, a young girl who was born in a refugee camp and had never seen her ancestral homeland. Through the centre’s education programs, she was able to learn about her Tibetan heritage and culture, and is now a proud advocate for the Tibetan cause.

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The centre accepts donations and also sells handicrafts made by refugees. You can also volunteer your time or skills to support the centre's programs.

The centre serves over

While the centre primarily serves Tibetan refugees, non-Tibetans can also benefit from some of its programs, such as the vocational training courses.

The centre faces a range of challenges, including limited funding, a lack of resources, and ongoing political tensions between India and China.