Mineral Water a True National and International Treasure!!!
Domain Name For Sale
The www.mineralwater.com.au domain name (web site address) is currently available for sale
The mineralwater.com.au domain name is a quality generic domain name, which is the best possible web site address (tool) in which to market mineral water in Australia.
Generic descriptive domains that point to a particular place, product or service can be a valuable asset for your business, simply because generic domains give your online business a competitive edge.
The mineralwater.com.au domain name can be used as:
- Businesses that sell mineral water products and services would only benefit by listing on a web site specifically designed to promote mineral water.
- Most current consumers are aware that mineral water is good for you. Use this web site and put the spot light on mineral water. Many nutritionists believe mineral water to be the “gem” (most healthy) of all bottled waters.
- Generic domains have the power to lead MORE people into your web site, successful companies don’t buy generic domains because they are obliged to throw shareholders money away, companies and business have purchased many of the world best generic domain names to give their business a competitive edge!
- Point mineralwater.com.au at your current web site, help your current web site, promote a particular product and/or service.
- A great web site to promote new mineral water products.
- The www.mineralwater.com.au domain name is the premium mineral water domain in which to market mineral water in Australia.
- Promote your services and/or products to local, regional and international audiences. The more you promote mineral water (add content to the mineral water web site ) the larger the audience you are able to attract.
- Every living cell in our body needs minerals for physical and mental health. The mineral water web site is the ideal web site address to inform the public of the health properties of mineral water.
More specifically, the benefits of acquiring the generic domain name mineralwater.com.au include:
A Quality Generic Domain Name….
- The words “mineral water” are generic, descriptive words which people instinctively associate with mineral water. Web sites that internet users find and remember instinctively when thinking of a particular place, product or service, are also the most prized and valuable!
- Bring attention to current or new mineral water products. Consumers will always be enticed to try new products. The mineralwater.com.au domain is a fantastic web address to put new mineral water products under the spot light.
- Use mineralwater.com.au and put the spot light on all water, let the Australian public decide which water really is the best drinking water.
- www.mineralwater.com.au is the best possible domain name / tool (web site address) in which to market mineral water products in Australia!
- A domain name you own, is a domain name your competition cannot use against you.
- The Internet is getting bigger and more powerful every year. Google has possibly taken most advantage of the Internet, and only a fool would suggest the internet is on the way out.
- Smart business will continue to use the internet to their advantage, and generic domains do give your business a competitive edge.
- Water is one of the earths most precious resources and mineral water is our most regulated and un spoilt water.
- The mineral water domain name could very well be a fantastic investment for the future, for someone with internet savvy
Credibility and Respect….
- Owning a strong descriptive domain name in your field gives you instant credibility.
- Many of the world’s top companies already own some of the best descriptive domain names in their field. These companies are amongst the leaders or are, in fact, the leaders in their industry.
- For example, big companies such as CNN own Money.com, Disney own Movies.com and Citibank own Studentloan.com etc
Search Engine Ranking….
- The .com.au is our most known and used web space, specifically designed for our country. Search engines like google continue to place the .com.au ahead of all other domain spaces, ensuring the .com.au as Australia’s premium domain name space.
- Search engines also tend to boost the position of domains which contain matching key words.
- The www.mineralwater.com.au domain name is the number one premium web site address to promote mineral water products in Australia.
- The opportunity to own the generic descriptive domain name (web site address) mineralwater.com.au may never come again. There can only be one mineralwater.com.au
- The www.mineralwater.com.au domain name (web site address) is a fantastic investment for the future!
The domain name mineralwater.com.au is currently owned and operated by: |
Mark Hull |
The domain name mineralwater.com.au is currently available for sale
Price: $25.000 Negotiable (All reasonable offers will be considered)