Mineral Water a True National and International Treasure!!!
Bottled Water
- Mineral Water
Some studies have shown that the healthiest kind of bottled water is mineral water and drinking this water each day can help you enhance your overall health and well-being. Mineral water is able to do so much good because it contains essential minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium. Even better, mineral water, unlike tap water, will be free of added chemicals as well as preservative-free and completely natural.
Natural mineral water is also one of the most strictly monitored food and drink products in the world, it requires an official seal of approval. This seal requires the water to be extracted from an underground spring and bottled in its original pure form directly at the source. In order to ensure the stability of the mineral content and consistent quality, natural mineral waters must be checked regularly by independent institutes.
Spring water is also obtained from underground water springs and is bottled directly at the source. However, its mineral content does not need to be consistent, nor does it require an official seal of approval. Just like water from your tap, spring water must have no odor, an acceptable taste and low microbiological contamination.
Purified water does not need to be of natural origin. It can be made from a variety of sources such as tap water, salt water, mineral water or a mixture of these. As purified water is not bound to a particular spring, it can be produced and bottled anywhere and offered in non-bottled form, such as on tap. Unlike mineral water, it does not need any kind of official seal of approval.